We're happy to announce that our next Silo.AI Academy webinar, open to our community members and others working with the research or implementation of machine learning, will take place on this Friday, on November 16 at 1pm EET.[EDIT]: The published webinar recording can be viewed here.This time around we are going to hear from our AI Scientist Dmitrii Bychkov, and our Data Privacy Expert Erlin Gulbenkoglu about AI model interpretability. The two experts will share the work they have been doing on model interpretation techniques and explanation of AI-based models, such as deep neural networks. The webinar itself will last about 30 minutes, after which we have time for conversation and questions. We warmly encourage people on the line to prepare questions before-hand as well!The webinar is fairly technical and it is open to people doing research in the field and others so inclined. The event will be hosted by our Head of Research, Kaj-Mikael Björk. You can join the webinar by submitting this form.We will post the recording of the webinar in the Silo.AI Community Slack after the webinar. You can join the AI research community by applying on our Research page.
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