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What we are about

AMD Silo AI is a leading AI lab focused on developing advanced AI models and solutions optimized for AMD leadership compute platforms. As AMD's global AI center of excellence with over 300 AI scientists and 125+ PhDs, we combine deep scientific knowledge with practical technology understanding to help organizations integrate, deploy and scale AI effectively. Our work spans from groundbreaking research to enterprise-ready AI solutions.

Silo AI on Euroopan suurin yksityinen tekoälylaboratorio, jonka missiona on rakentaa Eurooppalaista tekoälyn lippulaivaa. Olemme luotettu kumppani, joka tuo tekoälyn avulla kilpailuetua tuotteisiin. Rakennamme tekoälyyn perustuvia ratkaisuja ja tuotteita, jotka mahdollistavat älykkäät laitteet, itseohjautuvat autot, teollisuus 4.0:n sekä älykkäät kaupungit. Silo AI tarjoaa asiakkailleen ainutlaatuista maailmanluokan tekoälyosaamista sekä Silo OS -infrastruktuurin, joka nopeuttaa tekoälyn kehittämistä ja käyttöönottoa. SiloGenin kautta Silo AI rakentaa markkinajohtavia avoimeen lähdekoodiin perustuvia kielimalleja (LLMs), tarkoituksena varmistaa Euroopan digitaalista suvereniteettiä ja demokratisoida kielimallien saatavuutta.

Silo AI är ett ledande AI-labb som tillsammans med AMD formar framtidens AI kapacitet. Vi är en pålitlig AI-partner som ger organisationer konkurrensfördelar genom ledande AI-lösningar. Vi utvecklar AI för att möjliggöra smarta enheter, autonoma fordon, industri 4.0 och smarta städer. Vi tränar banbrytande AI-modeller med öppen källkod och erbjuder kunder unik tillgång till AI-kapacitet i världsklass samt SiloGen-plattformen. Med avancerad beräkningskapacitet, en heltäckande AI-plattform och världsledande AI-forskare erbjuder vårt tillvägagångssätt organisationer möjlighet att utveckla AI som de äger och kontrollerar.

Logo & materials

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Silo AI glowing logo mark with dark background

Have a media related inquiry?

Get in touch with our press team.

Headshot of Patrik Gayer.
Patrik Gayer
Head of Global Affairs
+358 40 722 6644

Silo AI in the media



He Sold His AI Company To AMD For $665 Million. Now He Wants To Supercharge AI Research In Europe

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From bootstrapping to a $665m cash acquisition: How Silo AI made it to exit

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Silo AI CEO Sarlin: “AI in itself is neither a product nor a solution”

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Why AMD Spent $665 Million Buying A Tiny AI Research Team

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Dr. Peter Sarlin, Dr. Tero Ojanperä, Professor Kaj-Mikael Björk, Juha Hulkko, Johan Kronberg and Ville Hulkko.


AI for people. A world with safe human-centric AI that frees the human mind for meaningful work.

What we do

Trusted AI partner. We build AI-driven services and products by providing world-class AI models, tools and services.


Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Vancouver, Amsterdam, Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä.


In July 2024, Silo AI has 300+ employees out of which 125+ hold a PhD degree.


Operating primarily out of Europe, Silo AI’s growth has been steep both in terms of headcount and revenue. In July, 2024 the company was acquired by AMD to help shape the future of AI computing on a global scale.

AI Expertise

Silo AI's team has experience from 200+ production-grade AI projects, with state-of-the-art AI expertise and capabilities to scale and build AI from inception to production.

International clientele

Silo AI works globally with industry-leaders such as Allianz, Rolls-Royce, Unilever, T-Mobile, Ericsson, Körber etc.


With its headquarters in Europe, Silo AI’s long-term goal is to ensure Europe has a flagship AI company, while simoultaneously shaping the future of AI computing with global reach as part of AMD.

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