
Towards autonomous machinery – situational awareness enabled by sensor fusion

Intelligence in vehicles and machines is a result of a myriad of critical sub-solutions. Therefore autonomous machinery often depends on the underlying AI models and algorithms interpreting messy real-world data and predicting purposeful actions.

Book cover of sensor fusion ebook

Autonomous navigation, localization, and mapping mean the ability of the autonomous system to create a map of the surrounding environment, localize the machine on that map and make the navigation planning accordingly.

These features are crucial in the development of autonomous machinery, vehicles, and vessels, and are often enabled by techniques such as sensor fusion.

In this eBook you will learn about deep learning and mathematical modelling as the basis for sensor fusion, and how building situational awareness varies from one environment to another.

The eBook includes for example:

Core technical principles for fusing sensor data with deep learning
Learnings from building real-world situational awareness
Approaches to localization, navigation, environment mapping, and autonomous operations

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Sample pages of sensor fusion ebook

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